How to Fill in Application of 100,000JPY Support Payments for Foreign Nationals Living in Japan?

May 6th 2020

As an emergency economic measure for the COVID-19 outbreak, the Japanese government determined the plan to distribute 100,000JPY (920USD) in cash per person.

We share below the details about how to apply for and receive the money.

Anyone included in the Basic Resident Register (住民基本台帳 Zyumin kihon Daicho) as of April 27, 2020 can receive the money, even if you do not have Japanese nationality.

To register as residents in Japan, you are required to register your address at your local city hall or ward office.

Please note that you cannot apply if you are not registered as a resident as of April 27.

Resident Registration

How Do I Apply?

To avoid spreading the virus, in-person application is not available for most cases. There are two options, application by postal mail or online, but you need a My Number card for the latter.

Application by Postal Mail

If you are eligible for the benefit, you or the head of your household will receive an application form by postal mail from your local government in May through June.

Fill in the form and mail it back with copies of the document that confirms your bank account information and of an identification document.

How to fill in application?

As of May 6th 2020, application form is only available in Japanese. Please refer the sample below and you might be better to ask your Japanese friends to support your application.

What is the document that confirms my bank account information?

A copy of the bank passbook or cash card that shows the name of the bank, account number, and the account holder’s name.

*Only the bank account with your name can be used for the application. If you do not have one, I recommend that you open an account with Japan Post Bank or other institutions that are relatively easier to open an account for foreign nationals. If you cannot open a bank account under certain circumstances, it seems you can receive the cash at a government office as well.

What is an identification document?

A copy of the residence card, the driver’s license, My Number card, health insurance card, or pension handbook

Online Application

If you have a My Number card, you can apply online and the application starts around mid-May. Go to Mynaportal, the government’s website, enter your bank account information, and upload the document that confirms the information. Since you identify yourself with an e-signature, you do not need an identification document.


Difference between My Number Card and My Number

Just in case you do not remember what My Number is, I explain it here. Most of you should have received My Number from a government office when you registered as a resident in Japan. My Number is a 12-digit number used for tax payment and other processes. A My Number card is an ID card that shows My Number.

You do not get a My Number card unless you apply for it, so more than 80% of Japanese people do not have it in 2020.

I assume most of foreign nationals do not have the card either, so you will probably apply for the money by postal mail.

How Long Does It Take to Receive the Money?

It depends on each city and town. Some people may apply in May and receive the benefit in mid-May, but the process may take longer in areas with a dense population, such as Tokyo, and the money may be distributed around June or July.

Till When Can I Apply?

You need to apply within 3 months after your local government begins to receive the application by mail. If it begins in May, the deadline is August.

Apparently, application forms have already begun to be sent out.

If you receive it but do not know how to apply, feel free to contact us.

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